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Loosely based on Irmgard Keun’s novel »The Artificial Silk Girl«

Young Theatre [14+]
Zwinger 3
Club #5 [20+]

Berlin, 1932. Elegantly dressed people stroll along the boulevards of the city, while war invalids look for work. In the bars, people excessively dance the night away. The Weimar Republic is about to come to an end. And right in the middle of it all there is Doris, »the artificial silk girl«. Her dream: a fur coat. Her goal: to become a shining light. Her method: catching men. Taking on the role of Doris from Irmgard Keun’s novel published in 1932, the participants of theatre club #5 embark on a journey to a time that has undeniable parallels with the present. How can a young woman stand up for herself when she finds herself between emancipation and subordination, hope and disillusionment, glamour and dreariness?

Mareike Schneider
Inhaltliche Beratung
Costume advice
Matthias Jacob-Burger
Lukas Reiber Anka Rupp
Dramaturgical advice
Ksenia Antonova, Caroline Baumann, Juliane Bernhard, Julian Bockius, Andreas Dirwimmer, Leonie Fuchs, Alexander Herdt, Elena Illing, Robert Kesternich, Marlene Kübler, Sarah Mühlenberg, Darya Sotoodeh, Franziska Tendel, Corinna Wagmann, Theo Winn