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by Till Wiebel

Young Theatre [12+]
Zwinger 3
in German

Standing in front of the gate of the Arthur McPush Cooperation's summer camp, Malte Schröder, 13, hears his mother whisper to him: »I bet this will be the best summer of your life.« But this summer camp quickly turns out to be a very special camp indeed. Not only is there no supervision, but everyone of these young people seems to be among the smartest in the country. It's a paradise for fiddlers and highly gifted kids. The only problem: Malte considers himself to be the most average person on this planet and accordingly completely out of place. In a promising turn of events, he makes friends with three others, however – so maybe his mother would be right?

But soon, the four of them realize that the Arthur McPush Cooperation has its own agenda. They are being used to implement a ludicrous plan. Now it is up to every single person to stand up to this cunning cooperation.

Polina Solotowizki
Stage Design and Costumes
Theatre Education