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by Jchi V. Dussel

World premiere
World premiere
Young Theatre [12+]
Zwinger 3
in German

Sahara Bauer, famous folk singer and activist against right-wing conservatism, gives her adopted triplets Amor, Antonia and Noell into the care of babysitter Lille Plankenross while she is away. But Lille is pursuing her own dark plans: She wants to burn the Bauer’s house down to frustrate their political information campaign. The teenagers manage to overpower Lille. But Lille has destroyed the house’s smart system Agneta, locking the teenagers in in their own house together with their fraud babysitter. Only one mobile survived the struggle and that is stuck in a live stream. Sahara will be back in two weeks. Can they break free alone or do they have to make the best of it as a foursome?

Jchj V. Dussel has written a thrilling play for young people dealing with the challenges of puberty and the adversities of the world with humour, musical elements and a pinch of the bizarre.



by Jchi V. Dussel


by Jchi V. Dussel
Manuel Moser
Stage Design and Costumes
Andreas Alexander Strasser
Öğünç Kardelen
Theatre Education
Noel Bauer
Yve Grieser
Antonia Concordia Bauer
Amor Bruce Bauer
Lille/Liam Plankenross
Assistant Director
Caroline Ufer

The production of all decorative parts is carried out in the workshops of the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg.

A complete list of all employees of the technical departments involved can be found here.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg