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zwinger x rederei

Human rights and (their) borders? - Debate on the reform of the European Union's asylum system

zwinger x
Zwinger 1

In October 2023, the Council of Ministers of the European Union decided to reform the asylum system, which led to many debates. While supporters see the reform as an opportunity to control migration to the European Union more humanely, opponents fear a sell-out of human rights. The emotional nature of the topic makes it difficult to have an objective discussion about the opportunities and dangers of the reform - but in order to develop your own points of view more deeply and at the same time learn to better understand other positions, an exchange is unavoidable!

The student debating club Die Rederei e. V. will be doing the debating for us this evening: in a professional debate lasting around 70 minutes, two teams consisting of guest speakers and members of the debating club will examine various positions on the asylum system reform in greater depth and weigh them up against each other in front of the audience. The audience is invited to actively participate and will be given the opportunity to contribute their own thoughts and words during the debate.

Guest contributions will be given by Prof. Dr. Michael Haus from the Institut für Politische Wissenschaft (Institute of Political Science) and representatives of Seebrücke Heidelberg.

The event is part of the International Weeks against Racism 2024.